Florida DMV Power of Attorney

Florida DMV Power of Attorney is a legal form that allows the owner of some vehicle (the principal) to appoint a trusted person (an agent) that will have the ability to make every or some amount of particular decisions regarding this vehicle through the Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV.DMV

The actions which the agent would be able to make include the registration of a vehicle, its repairs, selling or buying, and so on.

This type of power of attorney form, as almost all of the others, is usually filled out by people who do not want to deal with some legal procedures regarding their vehicle and know a trustworthy person that qualifies for this job better or cannot do it at the present time for some reasons.

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form 82053 first page preview

How to Make the Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

Open form 82053 and choose a method through which you will fill it out. It can be either through the means of:

  • Your browser
  • A particular program
  • Printing out the form (but be very accurate while filling out using this way)

After that, the following steps should be made with your Florida DMV power of attorney:

  1. Write down the date during which the form is being filled out.
  2. Step 1
  3. Accurately and correctly fill out the full name of your future agent that will have a certain right regarding your vehicle.
  4. Step 2
  5. Choose the box with the type of vehicle over which the agent will have authority: it could be a motor vehicle, a mobile home, or a vessel.
    Step 3 After that, continue to write out all the specifics of this vehicle, including the year of its production, the make/manufacturer, and so on. Step 4

With the last step in this form, the owner(s) should explicitly identify their agreement to authorize an agent for a particular vehicle of their choice.

Do not forget to put concrete personal information into each of the designated cells, including your:

  • Signature and the full name
  • Step 5
  • Driver’s license, identification card, or FEID Number and date of birth.
  • Step 6
  • The current address, together with the city, its state, and zip code.
  • Step 7

If a co-owner exists, he or she should also put all of the same information in the cells below the ones of the first owner.

Step 8

After that, your document is completely filled out and needs to be sent or brought to your local Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.